About the Templeton Project

The Templeton Committee met for the first time on October 21, 2015.  Pastor Michael Tavella had received a $5000 grant from the John Templeton Foundation through the auspices of Earl Whipple, a staff member of the organization and a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.  The grant will be used to develop a manual for churches and individual Christians on how we should conduct ourselves when in conversation with atheists and others who do not attend Church (the “nones”), either one on one or in a public forum.  The biblical basis for the project is I Peter 3:  15b-16.  The proposal includes field testing the manual in church adult classes and then holding at least one public forum in which Christians and non-Christians  dialogue with one another. These conversations will constitute a Christian defense of the faith (ἀπολογία, apologia, English-apology) and a witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Praise, Creed, and Apologetics

I’ve been reading The Creedal Imperative by Carl Trueman. There’s a little Trueman and a little Tavella in the following words.   It has inspired me to write a few lines about the relationship between praise, creed, and apologetics and guided me in what to say. A number of hymns are found…
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Dante–Life’s Journey

Midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within a forest dark, For the straight-forward pathway had been lost. Ah me! how hard a thing it is to say What was this forest savage, rough, and stern, Which in the very thought renews the fear. (Inferno, Dante Alighieri,…
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When we direct our witness to the public or to an individual, we must use discernment when speaking the faith to others.   Who they are and the conduct of their lives are things we must heed. We are not addressing an abstraction, concept or idea.  We are speaking to a…
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The Hope of Sanguine Summer

The farmers’ fields are a sullen brown, though patches keep their green in protest of the triumph of relentless winter. The land wears a dingy gown.   Sweet scents of summer air and the panorama of green inspire thoughts of paradise, give hope to those who despair.   But the…
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The Moral Context for Apology

Apologetics must deal with the question of ethics.  Some people find Christian teaching on this matter to be contradictory to their own perspective. Some self-consciously reject Christian views.  This situation is promoted to a great extent by the moral climate of America.  There has been a notable decline in the…
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Euphony and Cacophony

Cacophony and euphony are words that derive from the Greek language.  The former means bad sound; the latter means good sound.  Our environment is full of bad sounds–an indication that nihilism has made deep inroads into our consciousness.  The music combines harsh sounds with harsh words.  It fills the air…
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Power and Truth, II

The promotion of truth is of the greatest importance.  Lies, deceptions, stratagems, duplicity, and a host of other impediments to the Good are to be rejected by those who would follow Christ.  It is true that such a devotion could lead one into suffering.  We possess the basic human instinct…
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Power and Truth

One can not fight at the same time for both power and truth.  Is this true?  In politics,  fighting for the truth may cause one to lose an election.  One must stand with what will promote victory against an opponent whether true or not.  We have heard many lies during…
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Proper Format for a Debate

The topic of apology can be a subject of debate.  If one is planning such a thing, one needs to be aware that certain rules apply.  A well-planned debate prevents participants’ talking over one another or yelling at one another. Gentleness and respect should guide the meeting.  Below is an…
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Self-Compassion, Can you believe it?

The other day I was having a bagel at the local bagel shop. It was morning, so the news was on the TV.  A report was made that used the word self-compassion.  Now I think to myself, “I couldn’t have been awake.” Unfortunately, I was not dreaming.  I was awake!…
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