For a revision of the article about Justin Martyr, please go to or under News and Blog on the home page. Michael Tavella
Self-deception is a common human trait. Animals don’t deceive themselves, as far as we know. The present political season is an example of what I am talking about. Many times we convince ourselves of something that is not true, but functions to make us less anxious, to inflate our ego,…
We have been speaking about the reality and nature of God. Asserted was the fact that God comes to us as person. This fact does not mean that God is a person like you and me. It means that God addresses us in His revelation as a self-aware presence, not…
This article is a continuation of the previous one regarding God and the universe. If we go along with pantheists like Baruch Spinoza, a Dutch philosopher, we are left with a universe whose god is not self-aware. What does this mean? Let us take human beings as an example. We…
The word, universe, refers to “all the things that exist.” Uni means one; versus means turned toward. Universe means “turned into one.” The universe is a massive system of galaxies within which are stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, nebulae, etc. It is about 13.7 billion years old and has been…
First a quote from Adriel Peregrine. Adriel writes in his book, The Art of Art: “Having a well-formed imagination does not necessarily mean that one is an impractical dreamer who denies what is right in front of his face at the expense of his or another’s welfare. A truly imaginative person…
We have discussed religion and the public schools. Now we move to the colleges and universities of America. Here the problems, in many places, are profound. In the Academy, one would expect a free arena for debate. But, in may places, intolerance shows its ugly head. The university is part…
The public schools have been a battleground where secularists and Christians have faced off. Since the two court cases (early 1970’s) that prohibited prayer and Bible reading in school, the battle has intensified and is far from over. Questions remain. What is the role of religion, and specifically Christianity, in…
So we have come to a “drag queen” Last Supper! How nice of those people who participated! I agree with those who say that what these men did is blasphemy. There was a disavowal that the organizers were depicting da Vinci’s Last Supper. I believe that such a denial is…
To displace God, that is, not to believe He exists, is to deify human beings. Criticism that Christians put humans at the center of the universe is mistaken. For people of faith, God is at the center of the universe, not humans. It is the nihilist/secularist who puts us at…