
Babel and Jerusalem

For the Day of Pentecost the Second Lesson appointed comes from the Book of Acts where Saint Peter addresses the crowd of Diaspora Jews gathered in Jerusalem for the celebration of the pilgrim Feast of Weeks.  From different lands the visitors to the city spoke different languages.  As a result…
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Babel–A Confusion of Tongues

Many people are familiar with the story of the Tower of Babel.  At the Tower the people attempted to build a structure that would reach heaven.  God frustrated their plans by confusing their languages, making it impossible for them to complete their task.  The inspired writer of this story in…
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What Fire Cleanses?

The fires in the cities do not purify or cleanse.  They destroy.  The Holy Spirit, the fire of God makes clean those who believe.  What renews the world is not the mob that destroys but the assembly of all those who hear the Word and receive the Sacraments, the holy…
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The Ideological Use of a Virus (Covid-19)

A virus is not just a virus.  It has become the focus of the on-going ideological battle between the left and the right.  Stop reading this article if you think you will be disappointed, because I do not take a political-ideological position.  Rather, I will attempt to take a Christian…
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Religious vs. Spiritual

When I was visiting a dying parishioner in the middle of the night, I spoke in the hallway with an orderly about religion  I don’t remember how this conversation got started. He said to me that he was spiritual rather than religious.  What he meant was that he had invented…
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The Great Revolution

Neither the French nor the Russian revolution was beneficial to the people.  While the French revolution provided some benefit, it also established a reign of terror in which many people were killed and provided a platform for Napoleon and the Napoleonic wars. The Russian revolution provided little or nothing for the…
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The Power of the Invisible

We moderns know about invisible realities of which our ancestors had no awareness.  Micro-organism were first observed under a microscope in the late 17th century. Radiation beyond visible light was first detected at the very end of the 18th century. Microbes and radiation, not known till recent times, have a…
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