A Witness’s Commitment


Partisan politics has no place in the life and mission of the church.  This advice is not popular in a day when politics is tantamount to religious belief.  There are  people who take more seriously their political views than God Himself.  Is this an exaggeration?  It is not if one considers the contemporary level of enthusiasm for party and ideology as a measure of dedication and commitment.

Without God, something else takes His place.  If not God, politics.  If not God, wealth.  If not God, self. If not God, the nation. If not God, an idol.  We witnesses must pray that we keep God first.  “I am the Lord your God.  You shall have no other gods.”  This first and central commandment is as relevant today as it was at Mount Sinai.

What are a witness’s commitments.  I Peter gives us a lot of help.

  1.  We have received a hope and an inheritance.  We hope largely because we have an inheritance that is heaven that means we have obtained salvation for our souls.
  2.  We believe and love the God whom we have not seen.
  3.  We are to be holy in our conduct; for, we have been ransomed from futile ways through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
  4.  We are called to a brotherly love from a pure heart.
  5.  We are a spiritual house and a holy priesthood.  We are God’s people who have received God’s mercy.
  6.  We are to keep our conduct honorable among nonbelievers.
  7.  If we suffer, it should be for righteousness’ sake, not because we are culpable for misdeeds.
  8.  We should always be ready to make a defense of our faith with gentleness and respect.
  9.  We are to conduct ourselves with humility.

The apostle Peter’s advice is wise as we engage in our witness.  We witness with our words and also our entire life.


Michael G. Tavella

July 20, 2024


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