A Course in Apologetics and Witness


What follows is an outline of a course on apologetics and witness to be taught in a small group or Sunday School class.  The items under each category are articles having been written during the existence of the project.  The format would be a review of the articles, questions and answers, and class discussion.

I.  Rationale for the Templeton Project.

The Biblical Foundation–Apology

II.  Apology in the New Testament 

Apology in the New Testament II

Apology in the New Testament III

With Gentleness and Respect

Elect Exiles of the Dispersion

Saint Paul’s Civility

The Holy Spirit as Apologist

The Apostle on Mars Hill (Areopagus)

The Gospel of Mark

III.  The Early Apologists

The Letter of Mathetes to Diognetus

Athenagoras’ Plea for the Christians

Minucius Felix–Christian Apologist–The Problem with Hearsay

Aristides–An Early Christian Apologist

Justin Martyr

IV.  American Civilization

Utopian Dreams

The Present Cultural Environment in America

Christ, Culture, and Christians

Self-control and American Culture

Who or What is Absurd?

A Troubled Nation

The American Olympians

An Overall Idea

The Sacred Obscure amidst the Secular

Defy and Deify

The State of the United States

Two Novels


Schooling Apologetics

V. Audience

Questions Unbelievers (especially atheists) May Ask in Dialogue

When We Differ

Waning Faith and Yearning Heart

Inside the Heart and Mind of an Atheist

Articulation of the Faith in Times of Crisis

Religious vs. Spiritual

American Nihilism

Obstacles to Christian Witness

 Judgment and Apologetics

Confronting Nihilism

How to Speak to the Barbarians


VI.  Attitude

Of Self-control

Examples of Civil and Uncivil Speech

On Listening to God and One Another

Of Anger

With Gentleness and Respect

Flannery O’Connor’s “Push Back”

Humor in Dialogue

Dialogue and Personality

Is Transformation Possible?

Confused Mind and Inconstant Heart

Personality and Conversion

Humans are God vs. God is Human

A Witness’s Commitment

VII.  Ethics

What is Bigotry?

Day to Day Nihilism

Values and Virtue–The Difference

Babel–A Confusion of Tongues

What Fire Cleanses?

Dogma and Bigotry

Gratitude, Humility and Wonder–Key Words for Christian Living

Who and What is Evil?

With Gentleness and Respect

Overcoming Evil without Being Overcome

Virtual or Virtuous?

Rules of the Community

Humility as the Ground of All Dialogue

Personality and Conversion

Adriel Peregrine

Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing–Kierkegaard

Who Is Responsible?


Deceiving Ourselves

VIII.  God and the Church’s Role

Elect Exiles of the Dispersion

Discipleship and Apologetic

Nurturing Christian Disciples

Discipleship and Apologetics

Discipleship in Matthew and Apologetics  (A Series of Articles)

Encounters with Jesus in the Gospel of John (A Series)

The Great Revolution

Christian Leadership

The Power of the Invisible

Babel and Jerusalem

Christian Leadership

Witnessing and Division in the Church

Symbolism and Orthodoxy

The Misuse of the Word Eternal

To Become Like God

To an unknown God or a God Unknown

The Promise

Squeeze Out the Spiritual Life–A Dictum of Our Secular Culture

Camus, Absurdism, and the Faith of the Church

The World and the World

What is New is Old; What Is Old is New

Worship as Witness and Apology

Apologetics, Apology, and Witness

Mixed Together until the End

The City of God and the City of Man

The Nativity

Dogma–The Dirty Word

Solutions to Limited Knowledge

Unanswered Questions to the Last

The Parable of the Sower (A Series)

Can These Bones Live?

The Universe Is God or the Universe is Made by God

Can These Bones Live?

Christians Are Those Who Possess Imagination

Argument for the Existence of God–Counter-Arguments Are Unsatisfactory

Adriel Peregrine

Vexilla Regis–The Royal Banner

Apologetics and the Holy Eucharist

Prayer, based on Psalm 42

Apologetics and Doctrine

Jesus Christ

IX.  Poetry

Musings during the Hours of the Night

At Present

A Press of Leaves

The Holy Sepulchre

Chaos Set Right


The Brazen Eagle Soars

He Turned Aside

The Lower Yellowstone River Falls

Mysterium Tremendum–A Day at Hawk Mountain

The Sanctuary Light

The Flint Hills

This outline will continue to be refined.  You will receive a copy of each revision, and you are invited to comment at mgtavella@msn.com.


Michael G. Tavella

September 26, 2024







Vexilla Regis–The Royal Banner