A Prayer, based on Psalm 42


Let us prayer.

O Lord,  my soul thirsts for You as a deer thirsts for the waters of a flowing stream.  Come to me to give me living water.  Let it flow through me so that the Holy Spirit may manifest itself to others.  Make silent my foes, for the unwise say in their hearts that there is no God.  Let my turmoil come to naught.  You are my salvation.  I praise You, Lord, for your mercy and compassion.  During the day Your steadfast love accompanies me; at night Your song is with me.   You are my rock in whom I hope.  May I stand before You in the sanctuary, praising Your holy Name.  May Your strength abide with me as I witness to Your salvation before others and may they acknowledge You, through Christ, our Lord, who with the Father and the Spirit be ever praised. Amen.




Apologetics and Doctrine