Chaos Set Right


Swirling and Swirling and Swirling and Swirling.

Maelstrom to storm to the galaxy’s center.

Turbulence, mayhem, confusion, disorder.

In the beginning the earth was shapeless.

Darkness covered the face of the deep.

God said, “Let there be light.” And it was.

Thence–order, calm, and arrangement

Entered the world and kept chaos back.


To us was given an ordered world.

The Lord unswirled what had been swirled.

Tempest and flood are in limits confined

That from the outset God designed.


Swirling and Swirling and Swirling and Swirling.

From meridian to meridian and pole to pole.

Turbulence, mayhem, confusion, disorder.

Near the beginning two mortals fell

And were sent away from the sacred place.

God said, “To dust you shall return.”

Thence–order, calm, and arrangement

Re-entered the world to keep evil back.


For us Christ won a world set right

By gaining the victory over the night.

His arms outspread to suffer and bless

So we may life through Him possess.


Michael Tavella

March 24, 2023

Lenten Reflection
The Holy Sepulcher