Jesus Christ


We have been speaking about the reality and nature of God.  Asserted was the fact that God comes to us as person.  This fact does not mean that God is a person like you and me.  It means that God addresses us in His revelation as a self-aware presence, not restricted by time or space. On the other hand, God became human in Jesus Christ.  The New Testament asserts His deity and humanity, as well as the tradition that follows the Scriptures in worship and the writings of the Church  Fathers right up through the orthodox writers of our century.

The Son of God became incarnate, which means He came in the flesh and now both stands at the right hand of God and is omnipresent (He is everywhere). In the Gospel of John Jesus says to Nicodemus who came to Him by night,  ” . . . God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”  (John 3: 16 ESV)  God came among us in Christ to save us from our sins.

When we witness, we are testifying to a God who comes in the flesh to rescue us from sin, death, and the power of the devil.  Praise to God!

Michael G. Tavella

August 30, 2024


Deceiving Ourselves