Power and Truth


One can not fight at the same time for both power and truth.  Is this true?  In politics,  fighting for the truth may cause one to lose an election.  One must stand with what will promote victory against an opponent whether true or not.  We have heard many lies during this presidential  campaign. They are common; for, they protect the candidate’s interest and help him to win, or at least he thinks so.

Philosophers and theologians are not good politicians.  Typically, they stand for the truth, although not always. In the name of truth, Socrates drank the hemlock rather than leave town.  Jesus always stood for the truth and was crucified for it.

When we speak of power, we usually are referring to those vocations in society that allow one to require others by one means or another to do what we order them to do.   That vocation can be in government, business, the military, the university, schools, police force, the church, and so on.  To be fair it is important to assert that many people who serve in positions of power are devoted to the welfare of others.

When do power and truth coincide?  Most often, it has to do with a certain way of exerting power.  Jesus, our Lord, had power.  Yes, he was the Son of God.  That is power by virtue of His person.  But, though Jesus was the Son of God, His way of exercising power was through servant leadership, that is, he served other people devotedly and perfectly.

In Matthew Jesus expresses HIs power well:  “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and i will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11: 28-30 ESV)  Jesus exerts power through his profound humility.  The people in power crucified Him; but, He was the One with the power.   All of His judges are gone, Christ lives.

Power and truth do not usually go together; but, sometimes they do.  Jesus is the perfect example.  Let us exert power, the power of the Gospel, in humility.  All other power is ephemeral, the power of Christ is forever.

Michael G. Tavella

October 2, 2024

Proper Format for a Debate
Power and Truth, II