Schooling Apologetics


We have discussed religion and the public schools. Now we move to the colleges and universities of America.  Here the problems, in many places, are profound.   In the Academy, one would expect a free arena for debate.  But, in may places, intolerance shows its ugly head.

The university is part of a secular elite. So, they are supported by many powerful institutions in society–Hollywood, government, the public school system, etc.  (I would recommend sending your child to a private school, even better a private religious school, if you can afford it.  I wish everyone could afford it, as we wait for legislation favorable to vouchers).  Be cognizant of what your child is learning in school.  Some of it may be quite toxic.

The academy has taken its marching orders from the Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment that in their development were quite secular and even nihilistic. These ideologies have no room for the religious.  Religion is embraced only by the ignorant is their assumption.  University professors, like Richard Dawkins write books about religion without knowing about Christianity, and for that matter, any religion.  What is there to know?  (Books on theology  makes an entire large library, not small.  Some of the greatest mind that lived on earth were theologians, e.g.  Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Barth, Niebuhr, etc., etc., etc.)

How do we witness in this difficult environment?  All of our patience and respect must be employed for a strong and vital witness.  The temptation is to get nasty, even brutish.  But, we are to witness with gentleness and respect and a certain level of knowledge in the university context.  You may be ridiculed for your religious beliefs.  Be prepared for this.  Get to know other students who share Christian faith with you.  Support from others is very important.  Don’t become isolated.  Right up front, pick a school, if you can, that is a good environment for the practice  of religion.

Michael G. Tavella

Saint Bartholomew

August 24, 2024




Schooling Apologetics
Christians are Those Who Possess Imagination