The Ideological Use of a Virus (Covid-19)


A virus is not just a virus.  It has become the focus of the on-going ideological battle between the left and the right.  Stop reading this article if you think you will be disappointed, because I do not take a political-ideological position.  Rather, I will attempt to take a Christian position.

The virus is not a Democrat; the virus is not a Republican.  I would ask the virus to confirm this, but there would be no response.  We assume the virus is not a rational being as we think of human beings as rational.  Yet, grave doubts exist in my mind that we are rational.  While the irrational has its merits, it does not work well within the context of a political-cultural debate.

What is playing out in America today during this Covid-19 era is the continuing ideological battle that can be configured as two opposing armies.  In many cases opinions and judgments are not based on a concern for the general welfare of the people, but on the political advantage that can be gained in the war.

The Church has a role in all of this.  It must show its concern through individual believers and in its corporate life for the welfare of congregations and, secondarily, for the welfare of everybody.  How is this manifested?  Among these essential actions are a consolation of the anxious; pastoral care for every Christian, when the need is present; amelioration of the suffering of many people in these difficult economic times; aid to the poor; feeding the hungry; defense of the free exercise of religion, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution; sacrifice in doing our Christian duty, if necessary; bravery under fire; and witness to Christ with gentleness and respect.

The Covid-19 virus has revealed the character level of the nation, the church, and individuals.  This happens whenever there is a life-threatening crisis.  Let us pray that we may continue to be loyal to Christ, our Lord.


Michael G. Tavella

May 20, 2020

Alcuin, Deacon, Abbot, 804


Encounters with Jesus in the Gospel of John–The Man at the Pool of Siloam, the Blind Man, and the Dead Man
Encounters with Jesus in the Gospel of John–His Enemies