The Universe is God or the Universe Is Made by God


The word, universe, refers to “all the things that exist.”  Uni means one; versus means turned toward. Universe means “turned into one.”  The universe is a massive system of galaxies within which are stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, nebulae, etc.  It is about 13.7 billion years old and has been expanding since the beginning.  (The term singularity is used to describe the source of the universe, all that exists. Remarkably it was very small and became what we view with the naked eye and telescopes.  It is expanding still from the initial explosion).  The universe is also called the cosmos which can be defined as a “well-ordered whole.”

For pantheists the universe is identical with God.  Nothing exists outside the universe; therefore, God is not transcendent.  Baruch Spinoza, a Dutch philosopher, articulated a certain brand of pantheism.  The universe explains itself.  No personal God is needed.  Pantheism is a movement toward atheism.  Many moderns could be characterized as pantheists.  One source I looked at indicates that Carl Sagan, the astronomer, was a pantheist.

Christianity is not pantheistic.  We believe and confess that God is distinct from the world that He created.  Is God identical with nature or independent of nature?  Let me give you a Christian perspective.  Pantheism is idolatrous, though pantheists like Spinoza discourage worship of God like idolaters do.  The limitations of nature do not coincide with God. God is eternal and without limit. God is immanent in all beings but is not synonymous with them.  He transcends them.

Christians believe that God is personal, that is, He relates to us.  We can pray to him, talk to Him, and hear His voice in various ways, the Holy Scriptures,  the Sacrament, preaching. He is especially personal in Jesus Christ whom we call on to save us from our sins.  The Trinity of equal persons in one God is quite different from the pantheistic God.

Hear an example of personal encounter from the Scriptures. Moses asks God, “What is your name?”  The Lord responds, “I AM WHO I AM.”  The great leader and prophet of Israel hears God’s voice from the burning bush.

Do we regard the transcendent God or creation as the ultimate reality?  We choose the transcendent God of the Holy Scriptures to be worthy of worship.  We witness to Him and make our defense in his Name.  The universe is creature; God is Creator.

Michael G. Tavella

August 27, 2024

Saint Monica, mother of Saint Augustine

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