With Gentleness and Respect

For the purpose of review, we return to the verse that started it all.  In I Peter we read, “But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy,…
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Did the Last Post Show Disrespect?

Was the article, State of the United States, disrespectful?  Let me answer my own question.  You should answer the question too. In that article I used such words as nonsense, psychosis, and silly to describe the views of those who oppose the Christian faith.  They are strong words, but are they…
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The State of the United States

We live in the midst of confusion, uncertainty, chaos, turmoil, near anarchy, and violence. The thesaurus could provide many more negative terms to describe our miserable plight.  Our elite offer us the option of complete rejection of our heritage, institutions, culture, and history in favor of a radical world view…
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Camus, Absurdism, and the Faith of the Church

Albert Camus was a French philosopher whose literary output included essays and novels.  Recently, I read his book, La Chute (The Fall), adding to my list of The Stranger, The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays, and The Plague.   The Fall is unusual in that it is a monologue of a man to…
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Overcoming Evil without Being Overcome

To be a disciple of Christ means that we are engaged in a battle against evil.  A central tension in the plot of the Gospels is Christ’s battle with the devil and the human opponents who represent him or defend his cause (see the confession at Caesarea Philippi in Matthew…
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Witnessing and Division in the Church

The Church is divided.  This is not news.  Especially since the Reformation,  the Church has not been able to speak with one voice.  In America there exist hundreds of denominations and independent churches that can boggle the mind. How does this fact affect our witness?  Doctrines vary from one church…
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Symbolism and Orthodoxy

Years ago, I happened to be in a Quaker meetinghouse.  I was astounded at what should not have surprised me.  The building contained no Christian symbols, pictorial or otherwise.  Banners were hung in the fellowship area, but not one of them included a Christian symbol.  This experience reminded me that…
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An Overall Idea

Americans do not live in a culture with an overall idea.   One might object by saying that we have freedom and the Constitution as causes worthy of our united respect.  But, neither is any longer compelling in our society. The organs of government must make great efforts to keep the…
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The Sacred Obscure Amidst the Secular

The Advent and Christmas seasons are astir with secular activity, not the least of which is the commercial.  Santa and his reindeer, busy elves, gift buying, snowmen, snowflakes, the Grinch, candy canes and many other holiday fixtures overwhelm the biblical story of Christmas. Drive or walk down any neighborhood, and…
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The Misuse of the Word Eternal

The word eternal in reference to the universe means a system of never ending and never beginning time, or it can mean timelessness, that is, reality outside time where clocks don’t tick.  In the latter sense God is eternal.  In relation to the flow of time, God has no beginning…
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