Two Novels

When I was a youth, two novels that I didn’t read until recently caught my attention, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, and Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger.  My interest in the first was stirred by an article I read long ago in Atlantic Monthly.  I had been repelled by…
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These days, many American seem to have great trouble with authority of any kind whether it be religious, familial, educational, governmental, etc.  Some educational leaders and civil servants have supported this tendency of disrespect. The result of this erosion of respect for authority is increased public disorder, crime, and contempt…
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The World and the World

In the Gospel of John, the Greek word for world can mean two things.  First, world describes the inhabited universe.  We humans are in and part of the world.  It is stated in this gospel that the world needs a Savior.  This implication connects it to the second meaning that…
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The Sanctuary Light

The flickering flame was the only light in the darkened church, When I arrived to take a seat in a choir pew, Away from the spiritual amnesia that comes from daily life. In this holy place the soul can hear God speak anew.   The hours fled swiftly, as I…
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The Prairie– The Flint Hills

The azure sky and verdant land meet quite afar Along a rippling line of undulating hills. It was so vast that I imagined myself consumed By a giant chthonic god in whose maw I was entombed.   And then again I found myself in a Daoist scape, So small and…
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A Press of Leaves

I took a handful of leaves to smell And pressed them gently against my face. What delight can be found in a silly thing. What joy like a child’s such play can bring.   The scent was not of frankincense or myrrh, But earthy, giving the sense a stir, And…
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The Holy Sepulcher

Beneath dressed stone of the medieval age, Enclosed in darkness lies the more ancient grave Of its sacred occupant, empty after three days, Through which Christ the Lord our sins forgave.   A garden and then a pagan fane To the Roman goddess of beauty and love Was founded upon…
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Chaos Set Right

Swirling and Swirling and Swirling and Swirling. Maelstrom to storm to the galaxy’s center. Turbulence, mayhem, confusion, disorder. In the beginning the earth was shapeless. Darkness covered the face of the deep. God said, “Let there be light.” And it was. Thence–order, calm, and arrangement Entered the world and kept…
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Lenten Reflection

We are now in the midst of the Lenten season.  At this time of year we devote ourselves with special emphasis and intention to the theme of repentance and renewal.  The entire life of the Christian is one of return to the Lord.  We are a people, who despite our…
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Emptiness Part II

Emptiness is a room without furniture. Emptiness is a chair where the beloved once sat. Emptiness is a graveyard.   Emptiness is a place where people should be, but are neither seen nor heard. Emptiness is a cityscape in shambles, a Dresden, Hiroshima, London, or the Bronx Emptiness is an…
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