Mixed Together until the End

In the New Testament, terms with political and civic meaning are used to describe heaven.  The company of heaven–the saints, martyrs, and angels–are a society of individuals whose King is the Lord God Himself.  Already in the Old Testament Yahweh, the true God, is known as the King of the…
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Rules of the Community

In the sixth century Saint Benedict wrote a rule for his community of monks that has been fundamental to western monasticism over the centuries.  Reflecting biblical principles, the rule in most ways is applicable to the local congregation.  Chapter 4 gives a list of good works that are basic to…
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The City of God and the City of Man

In his great work, The City of God, Saint Augustine describes two cities that exist throughout human history–the City of God and the City of Man.  The City of Man is characterized by self-love and pride while the City of God shows forth humility and love of God.  These two…
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The Nativity

This year again, the Philadelphia suburbs have been attired in Christmas decorations accompanied by brilliant lights.  But, it seems that in many places the nativity itself, the essential symbol of the season, less brilliantly has accompanied the brighter lights.  This circumstance is symbolic of the fact that our Lord was…
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We Rather Than I

The Third Article of the Creed concerns the Holy Spirit and the holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. Both are embedded firmly in our confession of faith. It is the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the Gospel that brings people to faith and unites them to the Church. The Church…
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Water Is Thicker Than Blood

Because Jesus exorcises demons in His ministry, the religious leaders accuse him of being possessed by Beelzebul (the devil). Jesus responds by pointing out how ridiculous to accuse Him of casting out a demon by the prince of demons (the devil).  He then pronounces a judgment on those who so…
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From O My God to O My God to OMG

You’ve probably heard it–OMG, three letters, is like so many other things referred to with three letters–CIA, IRS, FBI, WHO, AOL, MSN, NBC, CBS, ABC, BBB, FCC, HIV, MTV, MSG, HCL, thus QED.  All these acronyms are acceptable in usage, if people you are speaking to know what they mean.…
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It is I

“It is I” are words pertaining to divine presence.  At the Sea of Galilee, Jesus was walking toward the hard-pressed disciples in the boat.  They were afraid, not so much from the strong wind on the water, but from Jesus whom they thought was a ghost.  He responded to them…
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O Source and End

O my ecstasy, O my delight, O my bliss, O my beatitude, O my felicity, O Source of all that is good, O Source of all that is worthy, O Source of my being and well-being, O Source from the height, O Source from the depth, O Source of life…
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