
The Promise

Last time, the topic was our aspirations in life, especially a yearning for God to fulfill our lives.  Writers, like Feuerbach and Freud, have criticized Christianity for representing wish-fulfillment.  Freud called belief an illusion. We desire eternal life, but fulfillment is not possible.  God does not exist; He is merely…
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Our Aspirations

We all have dreams and hopes for our lives.  These aspirations may change as we mature, but we always have them.  The deepest of these aspirations has to do with our relationship with God and the hope that is grounded in Him. How does this idea pertain to atheists?  Even…
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The Early Christian Apologists–Aristides

Marcianus Aristides was a second century Christian apologist, who addressed his work to the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius (138-161).  He begins his address by stating that in his contemplation of the orderly creation he has concluded that the hidden God stands behind all that is moved.  He decided to investigate…
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Squeeze Out the Spiritual Life–A Dictum of Our Secular Culture

In America the spiritual life and the exercise of religion are being squeezed out by the sights and sounds around us.  Among these phenomena are:  Street and highway noise  Noise in the market place (e.g. blaring music in the stores)  Constant advertising, reaching especially into the home (telephone soliciting)  The…
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American Nihilism

Nihilism is a philosophical and theological view that human life has no ultimate meaning–no God, no morality, no sense. The word from Latin literally means nothing.  We find it in the English word, annihilate. Signs of nihilism in America include: Great decline in belief in God and religious practice including…
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Dogma and Bigotry

Intolerant of any opinion that differs from their own, distorting the views of others, and using ad hominem attacks to advance their argument sound to many moderns like Christians throughout history.  These characteristics are impressed on us by those who actually do these things, namely left wing activists.  Right wing…
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Encounters with Jesus in the Gospel of John–Peter

Peter is a central figure in all four Gospels.  While the Gospel of Matthew sets Peter at the very center of apostolic authority, John places his authority beside the beloved disciple who may be John himself, the writer of the Gospel. In both Gospels the account of Peter’s betrayal is…
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